Monday, September 6, 2010


The first band that I will be reporting on is Mae. Mae is my favorite band in the entire world. I've seen them twice in Philadelphia, and have tickets to see them in October. So, here's the lowdown on the band:

Mae: Stands for Multi-sensory Aesthetic Experience.

Originated in: Norfolk, VA.

Genre: Mae has been classified as all of the above: Alternative, Indie, and Religious, so you make your distinction.

Albums: Destination: Beautiful, The Everglow, Singularity, (M)orning, and (A)fternoon ((E)vening is due to come out soon).

Mission: To offer listeners music without a record label. The absence of a label allows Mae to have no limitations: anything goes. And because they have no limitations, all of the profits that they receive from digital music downloads on their website will go to different Humanitarian projects year round. Mae's first project was building a house for a family in Newport News, VA. Mae raised, with the help of fans, $65,000 in downloads and donations to help Habitat for Humanity build the house. Their current project is centered around, which is an education focused organization. Mae continues to ask for donations from fans in hopes to make a difference.

Tour: Unfortunately, Mae's last tour is taking place this fall (*sobs*). The band members all want to take a chance to experience new things in their lives, and perhaps settle down with families of their own. Their last tour will be called, "Mae: Goodbye, Goodnight", and are touring all over the country. Their most local show will be at the World Cafe Live In Philadelphia on October 22 (I already have my tickets and my tissues). I encourage you to go!

Website Log on today to see what they're all about.

The Christian Aspect?: There is one song in particular by Mae that I would like to focus on. It's called, "The Fisherman's Song (We All Need Love)", which happens to be one of my all-time favorites. The song is about a musician who has a song to write, but can;t finish it. So he decides to go down to the ocean to seek inspiration. While he's there, he meets a fisherman, who asks him to come out on his boat with him. The fisherman proceeds to give the musician tons of advice on how to live his life the proper way. The fisherman says this:

I'd like to give you just a little somethin'
And you may think it's nothing on first listen
In the time it takes for you to make love
You can break love
Waste love
And throw it all away

But all you need is faith
And hope will bring a brighter day
And every time that you love
Let it lift someone else up

If someone tries to burn you
Give him your hand and turn and pick him up
When he's all alone

Now if you find yourself getting frustrated
Try not to get too jaded or 
You could go insane, like me.

As the song goes on, the musician struggles with loving the way that the fisherman tells him to. And when they get off the boat, the musician turns to face the fisherman, but he's already gone when he turns around. And it's then that the musician finds the end to his song, and discovers how to live, in these simple words: WE ALL NEED LOVE.

The song is very deep, with underlying messages. It took me a few times listening to the song to discover that the fisherman is Jesus. And he was telling the musician (which could be any one of us) the ways that we should be living our lives. The song has a great message, and I encourage you to listen to the song, which is posted below this blog.

It's a little long, but I promise, it will be worth your time :).

So, thanks for reading! Keep checking for new posts!

God Bless.

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