Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jon Foreman.

Jon Foreman is the lead singer of the popular Christian band, Switchfoot, who I covered a few blogs ago. I previously wrote about  how after a Switchfoot concert in Baltimore's inner harbor, my friend Jess and I met Jon as he played for a small crowd on a random street corner. I'm covering Jon Foreman himself because along with writing and playing for Switchfoot, Jon has his own side project and produces his own EPs with his own music, which I sometimes prefer over Switchfoot. So this post will be a little different, because it's about a solo artist instead of a band.

Born: Jon Foreman was born October 22, 1976, in San Bernadino County, CA. He resides in San Diego with his wife, Emily, when he's not touring.

Genre: Where as Switchfoot tries to reach out to all audiences by not being singed out as a specifically Christian group, I feel like Jon Foreman writes music that is more geared towards Christians. But again, like anything else, you can make your own distinction.

Albums: Jon Foreman has produced the EPs Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer, the collection titled Limbs and Branches (from 2007-2008). 

Mission: Jon Foreman and Switchfoot are involved in a lot of different organizations, one of the biggest being To Write Love on Her Arms (see Switchfoot blog post for more...). 

Tour: I couldn't find any information on when and if Jon Foreman will be going on tour apart from Switchfoot, but the next Switchfoot show closest to here is posted in the Switchfoot blog below. 

Website: The best website for Jon was his Myspace account: http://www.myspace.com/jonforeman ; you can listen to some of his songs and browse his blogs.

The Christian Aspect?: My favorite Jon Foreman song is called "Your Love is Strong". The lyrics are so beautiful; it's a song praising God for how amazing He is, and how in the midst of all of our troubles, He is still there, and still strong. One of my favorite lines from the song is this: 

So why should I worry? 
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need,
You know what I need...
Your love is, Your love is, Your love is, strong.

I go back to this song whenever I'm having an issue; sometimes I forget that I don't need to worry about stupid things, like not being able to pay for a new tire. God's got it all covered, and there's no reason for me to freak out about anything. This is a great song, and I really encourage you to listen to it, as always, in the youtube clip in the blog below. Tell me what you think; thanks for reading :) God Bless.


  1. Good choice on a post! I absolutely love Switchfoot and have seen them in concert! I'm not very musically inclined but now when my friends talk about Jon and Switchfoot i'll be able to chime into the conversation! :) Good job!

  2. You should change the font of your comments, so they can be seen :) Just a tip!
